Copyright – journal publishing agreement

Translated from:
Contrat de cession de droit d’auteur

By agreeing to publish their research in Mutations en Méditerranée (MeM), authors license non-exclusive rights to the journal. That is, authors do not transfer copyrights exclusively to the journal. Articles will be published in MeM in the forms stipulated in the contract (digital, printed, translated) for the duration of the copyright agreement, but contributions may also be published by any other person duly authorised by the authors, provided that reference to their first publication in Mutations en Méditerranée is made, accompanied by the corresponding URL link.

The journal promotes what is known as a strategy of non-assignment of copyright for scientific publications, as a means to guarantee open access to scientific publications, to enhance their value, and to share results more widely within the scientific community and beyond.

Les textes des articles sont sous licence CC BY 4.0. Les contenus graphiques (illustrations, photographies, création graphique ...) sont susceptibles d’être soumis à des autorisations d’usage spécifiques.