Article submission and evaluation procedure
Each issue centers around a chosen theme, selected by the editorial board, following consultation with the scientific committee. For each issue of the journal there is a call for contributions, which is drafted by the elected members of the editorial board, and must be validated by the scientific committee. The call for papers is circulated within the Calenda and Fabula platforms, as well as within scholarly and thematic networks related to the chosen topic. Lastly, the call for papers is also distributed to the internal mailing lists of the Institut Sociétés en Mutation en Méditerranée (SoMuM).
Initially, interested parties respond to the call for papers with an article proposal. They then receive a favorable or unfavorable decision from the editorial board, based on the relevance and coherence of the proposed submission with the editorial line of the journal and the proposed theme for the issue. A revised abstract may be requested for approval (in order to emphasize or clarify a specific question or methodological issue).
If the proposal is accepted, the authors are then asked to submit their articles, in keeping with the editorial norms and conventions.
Upon reception of the article, the editorial board consults with the scientific committee to identify potential reviewers. Following a double-blind evaluation of the contribution, the reviewers each submit a completed evaluation grid and an annotated version of the work in question to the editorial board.
The editor-in-chief and the editorial board then meet to draft a summary of the various evaluations, thus providing the author with an assessment report, regardless of approval or rejection of their work. For each contribution, a member of the editorial board ensures and oversees follow-up of the correction and rewriting process for an article, as well as exchanges with the author(s). The aim is to provide each contributor with support and constructive commentary in order to guide them toward the best possible version of their submitted text.
Two members of the scientific committee are chosen each year as scientific advisors, whose role is to accompany the editorial board during the various stages of the evaluation of articles.
Articles submitted to the editorial board must be original works, which is to say that they have not been:
published in a journal or collective work;
simultaneously submitted to another journal or collective work;
already accepted for publication in another journal or collective work.
Published articles are the sole responsibility of their authors.
Articles should be sent to:
Editorial norms
Format and configuration of a document
Articles, in French or English, should be submitted in .docx, .odt or .rtf format.
Articles should contain between 50,000 and 55,000 characters, including spaces, footnotes and bibliography.
At the beginning of the document, the following metadata should be included:
title of the article;
subtitle of the article (if applicable);
author’s first and last name (in lower case with a capital letter at the beginning);
author’s affiliation (scientific field, laboratory, country);
language of the article in ISO 639-1 codes, in two letters. Example: fr (French), en (English);
abstract in the language of the article (approximately 200 words);
keywords (5 maximum) in the language of the article, separated by commas;
translated title of the article in the other language (French, if the article is in English and vice versa);
abstract translated into the other language (French, if the article is in English and vice versa; approximately 200 words in length);
keywords (5 maximum) translated into the other language (French, if the article is in English and vice versa) and separated by commas.
Do not use headers or footers.
Use Times New Roman 12 font with single line spacing.
Do not use any formatting except bold, italics, underline, large capitals, small capitals, superscript, or subscript.
Paragraphs should not be indented. Instead, to signal a change in paragraph, authors should use a line break (resulting in a new paragraph situated directly below the previous portion of text), and not a paragraph break (which results in an empty space existing between two paragraphs).
Use bulleted or numbered lists in Word.
Headings should have a maximum of three levels.
Heading 1
Heading 2
Heading 3
When possible, headings should not exceed one line.
Figures (photos, diagrams, maps), videos and audio
Article figures are to be sent at the same time as the text, in a separate file, numbered continuously, according to their order of appearance within the article.
They are therefore not to be integrated directly into the text file, and instead should be indicated in the text as follows: “Insert Figure No. 1”. The title, legend and credits must also be cited.
Technical requirements:
format: JPEG for photographs; PNG for maps or diagrams;
mode: RGB (not CMYK used for paper printing);
dimensions: 1000 px minimum width;
resolution: 300 dpi.
Video and audio files should be uploaded to an external hosting platform such as YouTube, or Dailymotion… And should be indicated within the text as follows: “Insert video/audio file” followed by the corresponding URL.
Graphical content (photographs, illustrations, graphic creations, diagrams, maps), videos and sound files must be free of copyright or must be the subject of a request for permission to distribute from the author concerned, who must complete and sign this form (see also below, in attachement).
Tables must be integrated directly into the text file.
They should not be in JPEG or PNG image format. In this case, the content is not retrievable from search engines or scientific databases. Blind or visually impaired people with a screen reader will not be able to read the text in the table if it is included in the wrong format.
Footnotes should be avoided.
Bibliographical references
In-text citations
For bibliographic references, the use of Zotero is strongly recommended. The use of the EHESS typescript style (author-date format) is expected and available here:
Thus, in-text citations should indicate references as follows:
one author: Baussant 2002;
two authors: Lascoumes and Le Galès 2002;
three authors: Michel, Fouilleux and Bricas 2020.
At the end of an article
Baussant Michèle, 2002, Pieds-noirs : mémoires d’exils, Paris, Stock.
Collective book
Lascoumes Pierre et Le Galès Patrick, 2004, Gouverner par les instruments, Paris, Presses de Sciences Po (coll. « Académique »), 370 p.
Chapter in a collective book
Michel Laura, Fouilleux Eve et Bricas Nicolas, 2020, « Conclusion : Politiser pour ne rien changer ? L’alimentation entre critiques et canalisation de la critique » dans Eve Fouilleux et Laura Michel (Ed.), Quand l’alimentation se fait politique(s), Presses universitaires de Rennes, p. 239-244.
Journal article
Morin Edgar, 2012, « Pour une crisologie », Communications, vol. 91, no 2, p. 135-152.